Monday, November 8, 2010

A sour and sweet Monday

I just realized that it wasn't such a good idea to buy so much candy. I've just been for a weekend trip to Denmark, and I used to opportunity to buy cheap, and unique candy. It will ruin the whole eating healthy part of the plan, but I still want to keep up with the training. It shouldn't ruin it that much. I'll just hope the training balances out the candy... Maybe I should invite friends over, so it will be eaten up more quickly. Also the picture thing is something I probably won't put up in the blog. I don't think it's a good idea to post almost nude pictures of myself on the internet. If I manage to pull it off, I might make a before-after shot, but I doubt it. Even if this blog is more for myself, than anyone else, it's still public.

I overslept this morning, as I've done for like 4 Mondays in a row now. There's just something about Mondays. I try, I really do. I have two alarm clocks, and I use my cellphone, but I still overslept. I was supposed to have a course in global history this morning, from 08-10, but there's no point in going when you're an hour late.
I spent the morning reading history instead.

Despite the oversleeping, it was a good morning. I woke up to a layer of snow outside. It's still snowing. I love snow, although the downside is that I don't have any winter boots. I was going to buy some, but I was hoping for a sale of some kind, so I don't use too much money on boots. Money doesn't grow on trees, and all the boots I've looked at were really expensive.

Later today I'll be swimming. I swim with a group, and the trainer makes a plan for what we're supposed to swim. Swimming is good training, and I've always liked it. They say it's one of the only sports where you use so many muscles at the same time.

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