Saturday, November 13, 2010

A blog is for sharing opinions... Right?

That's what I always thought.
In Norway it's a huge hype with fashion blogs. Girls who take pictures of what they're wearing, and then post about their day. I can't really understand why that is such a popular concept, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
I have some acquaintances who have those kinds of blogs. Post pictures of what they're wearing, and then write about where they bought it. One in particular always does this, along with a huge rant about everything that's gone wrong in her life. I'd say 90% of her blog is complaining.
I guess reading someone else's blog is more fun than dealing with your own life, or maybe it's entertaining. I'm sure some people manage to make it sound entertaining. I'm also sure I don't.
I don't really think my blog is that much better. It started out as a way to keep track of my training schedule, and weight, but now it's more like a regular blog.

In my opinion vlogs are a lot more entertaining. One in particular stands out: Shaytards. It's about Shay Carl, a youtube celebrity, and his family. You're basically just watching what their family does every day. But Shay is extremely obnoxious, and his children are cute, which makes it fun to watch.

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